Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Post Easter Break

Two weeks away and the change in the garden has been fairly amazing. The chard and spinach has gone crazy, the onions, garlic and shallots [foreground above] have come through as have the potatoes (pink fir apples), the brassicas have gone crazy and the fox has dug up the climbing beans.

[Above] Purple and white sprouting broccoli, a delicacy to be savoured!
[Below] Onions, garlic and shallots on the left and a rather neat looking pointy cabbage on the right. A bargain at a pound!

[Below left] spinach ready for harvesting
[Below right] swiss chard in the foreground. It's about to be removed to make room for more strwberries.

[Left] Pink fir apple potatoes, just showing through. We'll earth them up when they're about ten cms high.
[Right] Little gem on the right and a new crop of wild rocket on the left.

I might be doing more after drop-off harvesting on demand. Look out for the emails!