From next week, and in readiness for the forthcoming revamped Peaceful Area, each raised bed in the Belleville Vegetable Garden will be allocated to a Year Group.
We're aim to get a team from each year that will include teachers, students and parents, and they will look after their own raised bed from now on, although I'll happily help and keep an eye on things.

Yellow bell peppers and sunflowers
This bed is the closest one to the artroom. Most of the beds already have things growing in them as shown in the photos, but some of these are ready to crop and will need replacing with new seedlings.

Aubergine, chilli, parsley
In reserve we already have some seedlings: Curly kale, carrots and leeks, and most of these are almost ready for planting.
Swiss chard ('Bright Lights'), parsley and coriander.
All students will be encouraged to take care of their year groups's raised bed, whether they're on a gardening team or not.
Nicola Hedley has a fund donated by Waitrose (which can hopefully be topped up by the PTA if requested) for buying further seedings and tools if required.
Self seeded cougette plant (touch and go - we need a little more warm weather!), chilli, yellow bell peppers, rocket and dwarf runner beans

Aubergine, tomato, chilli, strawberries and three pots of baby leeks. These need to be about the thickness of a pencil before transplanting into the ground
Ready for action!