Wednesday 10 September 2008

A new academic year, three new monsters!


[Click on any picture to enlarge]

A new academic year starts at Belleville and there are some new seedlings to be planted, new parents to involve and older crops to dig up and put on the compost heap (along with the old parents)

Left: New parent gardeners wondering what they've let themselves in for. They/you can receive the email newsletter about produce and sales etc by emailing

Right: They were spicy green
chillies but now they're
larger red chillies
What does it all mean?

Left: Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter demonstrating its claim to be the world's largest tomato. Yes it looks like three sections but it's actually one tomato. It weighs 920Kg and the circumpherence is 18 1/2 inches. The Wandsworth Guardian photographed it with Lucas (nepotism) and two of the green team.

Right: New crops: oriental salad including Mizuna lettuce and pak choi. Note the homemade protection from the fox (that dug some up yesterday) and footballs.
Below: Brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) ready for planting.

To save time I ordered these as seedlings from Dobies. They arrived in the post and as I wasn't around they might have died in their box were it not for the quick thinking of Robert De Niro (lookalike Baki) who planted them in the window box. I think he has it in for me, as he didn't label which were which. Now only time will tell....
MONSTER No3 Below: The hazards of vegetable gardening. I spotted this man eating spider 'Spideris Horiblis' today next to the giant Tornado F1 tomato plant. Weighing in at roughly 1 Kg it paralyses with a nip of its sharp little teeth and then eats you slowly from the feet upwards. So if you don't see me for a few days and the spider looks bigger.....



Hi James. Can you please tell me the weight of that huge tomato you have just posted?

I wrote two stories about The World's Largest Tomato, and may have to update them.

They are posted at


Best wishes, Eric (in Sydney, Australia).

jdmotion said...

The tomato wheighed in at just under a kilo (920g) which isn't bad considering the very poor summer we've had. Nothing like the monsters in Eric's article though. The only fertiliser I used was the occasional sprinkling of Miracle-Gro Organic. And the giant tomato was one of three on a single truss which wasn't bad going. The circumference is 18 1/2 inches (I'll photograph it in a minute).