Below: Our extra produce is being sold by Dandelion in Northcote Rd. They seem to be pretty pleased that our courgettes are grown 150 yards from the shop are replacing those that were grown 150 million miles away in Costa Rica!

We've also supplied Lola Rojo with french beans and they'll be harvesting during the second half of August and beyond perhaps.
Right: Climbing french beans. You need to be tall to pick these!
Below: The tomatoes are ripening rapidly and there should be quite a few ready for picking on Saturday. The photos are a couple of weeks old.
Below: Pumpkins won't be ready until Halloween time, by which time they should be really large. They enjoy beer.
Right: The leeks also need more time to grow.
Below right: The carrots (any colour but orange) have shot up (or should that be down?) recently. We could maybe pick a few to thin them out?
Below: For some reason the peppers are growing upwards rather than downwards.
Below: We'll have a dig for Pink Fir Apple potatoes (stock photo below). Seriously, they taste great, and they only need a scrub, no peeling required. Not sure if they're ready yet?

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