For full details on what to compost see the section at the end of this post.

Being built on top of tarmac when the raised beds dry out the soil is unable to suck up moisture from the ground as happens in normal flower beds. The problem with watering with a hose is that only the top inch or so of soil gets wet and this can

Sweetcorn. These are struggling, not sure why. Perhaps they haven´t had enough water.
The Courgettes [below] are just getting started and are enjoying a bit of rain after the dry spell. (They're now enjoying the drip feeder!)

We only have a couple of chilli plants [below] as I sold so many at the Northcote Road Carnival and the Summer Fair. They´re looking good though and have just flowered
A mixture of 'green' and 'brown' matter:
'Greens' or nitrogen rich ingredients
* Nettles
* Grass cuttings
* Raw vegetable peelings from your kitchen
* Tea bags (paper not plastic) and leaves, coffee grounds
* Young green weed growth * avoid weeds with seeds *
* Soft green prunings
'Browns' or carbon rich ingredients - slow to rot
* Cardboard eg. cereal packets and egg boxes, but brown coardboard is best
* Waste paper and junk mail, including shredded confidential waste
* Cardboard tubes
* Newspaper * although it is better for the environment to send your newspapers for recycling
* Bedding from vegetarian pets eg rabbits, guinea pigs - hay, straw, shredded paper, wood shavings
* Tough hedge clippings
* Woody prunings chopped into small pieces
* Old bedding plants
* Bracken
* Sawdust
* Wood shavings
* Fallen leaves can be composted but the best use of them is to make leafmould
Other compostable items
* Wood ash, in moderation
* Egg shells (crushed)
Do NOT compost
* Meat
* Fish
* Cooked food
* Coal & coke ash
* Cat litter
* Dog faeces
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