So, end of term and our first disaster.
Dug up the remaining Desiree potatoes today and found that many of them had a nasty scabby thing happening. Looked it up in the book and it's 'Common Scab', the least serious of all potato problems in that the disease is only skin deep. Peel them and the remaining spud is fine. Took the decision not to sell the affected poatoes, but donated them took caretaker Baki's family (and kept some myself).
In the photo below you can see the scabby bit on the large potato to the right. Click on the photo to enlarge.
Produce sale tomorrow at pick up time in the main playground:
About ten bags of onions
Three or four bags of wild rocket (recommended!)
French beans - about five bags? This weeks top tip: Kids love them!
One bag of courgettes
Two bags of potatoes
Some spinach and swiss chard
The tomatoes are suddenly starting to ripen and we should have quite a lot of red ones in a week or so. Oh, and the aubergines are seriously flowering and there's a decent chance that they'll produce over the next few weeks.
Might have to buy an automatic watering system. Now that would be cool.
1 comment:
Hi James. Can you please tell me the weight of that huge tomato you have just posted?
I wrote two stories about The World's Largest Tomato, and may have to update them.
They are posted at
Best wishes, Eric (in Sydney, Australia).
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