A 'Brandywine' beefsteak tomato, claimed to be the world's tastiest! An old Amish heirloom tomato dating back to 1885 and passed down from generation to generation.
We had eighteen entries into the sunflower competition, most of which have survived and prospered. They were replanted into pots of roughly the same size.
The winner of the first prize of £5.00 is Joseph Lewis (RL) with the runner up prize of £3.00 to George C (RT). Also commended were Aiden O (RB), Jake Horring (Yr 3) & Oliver GB (1c) who each won one pound.
The latest produce sale went really well. I thought there might have been too much harvested, but once again I was delighted by the response from the parents. We actually had to limit people to only one bag of any type of produce, and we still had quite a few people turn up to find everything sold out.
The mixed salad leaves with wild rocket was the one thing I managed to sample (at Peter and Judith BBQ).
Being sold straight out of the ground it needed a good wash and a minute in the salad spinner, but assisted by Judith's salad dressing it was excellent.
Rocket and salad (left); first tomato to turn red, a 'Marmande' (below) ;
wild garlic, not seen in the shops very often! (below left); shallots, small but perfectly formed (below right). Oh, and results of the poll show a preference for growing shallots next year, probably with onions as well. We've dug up lots of onions so far and have left the most recent batch to dry on the fence (bottom pic) in time for the next produce sale which is on Monday 21st July at pick-up.
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